Used as "That's a win!" or "That's a score", the yo replacing whichever word signified victory. Often used as a more humerous way of saying "owned" in counter-strike without sounding like a noob.
{TC}Nubler Kreiger: What? I didn't even see him and he shot me!
<LOL>Nice Guy Eddie: Where's the reg?
(BoM)UnknownAtom: That's a yo!
by Farg_Meh October 29, 2006
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It's what un-educated people say most of the time.
Me: "That Michelle sure does have a nice body!"

Tom: "YO, man, stop talking about my sister!"
by T.Wilson December 3, 2012
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a yoyo that doesn't come back.
person1: "hey, let's go beat up some people whose skin tone differs from ours!"

person2: "can do! right after i wind up this yo.."
by bobross October 23, 2010
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A greeting, can also mean a Woman friend or associate that isnt intimate which in plural is "Yos"
"With my bro and the yo"
by Bholdr May 12, 2020
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YO, stop usin my word! You ain't from da hood!
by getoffmahdick July 14, 2003
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