A native australian marsupial, often used in similies to denote a quality of lazyness or diminutive size.
by MekLarian July 28, 2003
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Blood thirsty slut diggin for your money.
Yo, keep your dead presidents in your wallet or she'll turn into a into a wombat.
by iIXIiDEUCEiIXIi July 2, 2003
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1. Wombat, eats, roots, shoots and leaves.
2. Unattractive hairy girl, sometimes with a hairy nose.
3. Stupid inbred
4. Small bad tempered australian mammal, they really fuck your car up if you hit one, they are all muscle!
They call my mate the wombat, he goes home with a girl, eats, roots , shoots and leaves!
by jamesbrown April 23, 2003
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A slang term that has no relation to the marsupial wombat. A wombat in this sense is a bat-like alien creature most commonly seen in the Dead Space video game. Most easily defeated by using stasis then repeatedly curb stomping the hell out of its body.
by John Clit March 2, 2009
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Damn Ian's towel got pulled off and he has a miniature Wombat
by Mctool April 22, 2008
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A truly tiptop person, great mate
"That guy is a such a wombat!"
by satania April 9, 2005
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Noun: An insult bestowed upon a person for their promiscuous behavior. Usually an insult given from a male to another male.
Guy: Dude I saw him and he was totally gamin' on your sister the other day...
Bro: That wombat!!!
by S. Cowell October 5, 2010
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