one of the most extraodinary things ever beknownst to the human eye.
ewww that tre flip was sooo king
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Peerless. Used as a synonym to rules.
Brad: So have you seen Wall-E yet?
Frank: Yeah, that movie is king!
Brad: King?
Frank: Because it rules!
by ScmykOTT January 11, 2009
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To get fired off a staff team (usually for abusing your power)
person one: oh crap I just placed a bedrock in the middle of a bunch of people
person two: oh no I hope you don't get kinged
person one: *gets kinged*
by MintScoop May 30, 2020
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Purposefully making someone vomit, by forcing your cock too far down their throat.
"why did she vomit?"
"oh it wasn't an accident, he was defo kinging her"

"she got Kinged so hard that so just walked out"
by Matt la king January 6, 2018
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Verb: i.e.: To pull a King.

To lose one's sense of self control over the smallest, pettiest, things. The most common presentation of Kinging is falling into a blind rage, signified by heavy breathing and fist clenching, almost certainly leading to violence.
"You should have seen it. This guy just barely grazed against Matt's leather jacket..."
"And he want all King on him?"
"Yeah, we thought he was going to kill him."
by The Atomic Punk September 12, 2009
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The act of doing "King" things.
Chris: Bro, it's like 4 PM, is he still sleeping?

Vincent: Yeah man, he is Kinging.

Natalie: Hey, have you heard from Ryan lately? He hasn't talked to me in months.

Maria: I have not. He must be Kinging.

John: Did I just hear a beer can open? It's 8' in the morning for Christ sake!
Shane: That gentleman or lady, must be conducting, a Kinging.
by Harold and Kumar Boys September 15, 2015
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