An inferior coffee-like substance totally dissimilar to real coffee except in appearance (caffeinated brown liquid) and drunk by individuals who seem to have severely damaged or no tastebuds at all (ie. customers waiting in an auto repair shop, people staffing a job fair booth within a shopping mall or community college, focus group facilitators, assisted living facility personnel and janitors...)

This bottom-of-the-barrel brew is often made from low-grade, pre-ground robusta beans and stored in giant unappealing plastic containers found on floor level of supermarkets and bodegas. It is a fraction of the cost and taste of freshly-roasted and ground coffee brewed from Arabica beans. It is the coffee equivalent of Natty Lite Ice.

When dispensed in public by any of the above it is often served luke-warm from a mildewy, never-washed Mr. Coffee maker and paired with non-dairy powdered "creamer" squeezed out of a Wet-Wipes-esque container covered in Bondo dust , ecoli and/or greasy fingerprints and a variety of highly-engineered toxic non-sugar based "sweeteners" and perhaps deeply-discounted danish. It is not organic- it is not Fair-Trade.

Analogous to the pro-choice philosophy of the abortion debate, this dumbed-down abomination being passed off as coffee is all about "life not quality of life" and will suffice for anyone who buys their clothes at gas stations and just wants to "GIT R DONE!"
P: I got you some coffee. I never buy coffee from the grocery
store, but it seems OK and it's Fair-Trade.

N: OMG, thank you; I normally drink janitor coffee or instant
anyway so this is awesome!
by PARTY SWEAT November 30, 2010
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The one and only insanely hot janitor that works at spotsylvania mall. You'll do a triple take when you see her washing windows and mopping floors. No one knows her name or where she came from, we just know she's hot. The whole town knows who she is but no one really knows her. The mystery Janitor Girl. Gods gift to Fredericksburg VA
matt: I bet i can get any girls number

mark: I dare you to ask the Janitor Girl for her number!
matt: oh my god, I can't. she's out of my league!
by xxxthatonedudexxx March 26, 2010
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Another term for a moderator of a message board or chat room.
Person 1: These trolls are out of control! So much spam!
Person 2: Where's the damn spam janitor??
by SJLC February 13, 2012
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When someone licks your balls clean after a sweaty activity like a trip to the gym or an intense run.
She gave me a Salty Janitor last night. Licked the boys squeaky clean.
by CaptainPoopy May 11, 2015
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During missionary sex after a long night of drinking and debauchery; the man throws-up on the woman's chest right when he is about to cum, then right before ejaculation he wipes his cock all over the vomit covered chest as he cums as if it were a mop.
"Mike was sooo drunk that he preformed the dirty janitor for the first time! Then, I came!"
by 1978dRuMmErMaN August 4, 2014
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Office job that mostly involves cleanup and maintenance of digital databases or files; such as backup, restoration, updates, upgrades, purges, archiving, etc. Requires a modicum familiarity with basic computer operations including file and database management but little in the way of problem solving skills or creativity.
His business card might call him a Database Administrator but he's really just a glorified digital janitor.
by wurdnerd November 20, 2009
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A grouping of garbage bags that hangs from the back pocket to create a tail like effect.
"Frank: Hey Bill, that's one swell janitor tail!
Bill: Why thanks Frank!"

"My janitor tail is trippin'."
by Bill the Janitor July 26, 2008
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