A usually unpleasant and uproariously funny lack of success. Usually used by teens and those idiots that hang around internet chat rooms (no one likes them).

Fail-The classic fail. Implying no success, and a heavy emphasis on idiocy and retardation.
Epic Fail-A Fail above the normal Fail. Implying even heavier emphasis on the sheer lunacy of the event.
Ultra Fail-Failing to the point of absolute horror and insanity. Only several Ultra Fails are known to be in existence today.
Teacher: Johnny, would you like to come up to the board and explain the word failure for us?
Johnny: Uh, so it's when you do stuff, and stuff happens that's bad and stuff.
Teacher: Very good! Would you please spell it for the class?
Johnny: F-A-Y-L-Y-U-R
Teacher: Please excuse me, Johnny, but you FAIL.
by Thrasher13 February 28, 2010
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The opposite of succeed. To unsuccessfully attempt an undertaking.
I failed to become manager of McDonalds, so I settled on cleaining the mini-playground.
by Diggity Monkeez February 22, 2005
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1. to get a grade below the minimum passing grade in school.
2. To drain your bar completely in DDR and lose.
3. Means same thing as sucks.
I failed a math test. Oh crap I'll going to fail the song1 This really fails hard.
by 5'11"racer October 12, 2006
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fay-el (v) 1. To lose at an attempt of something. 2. To vote for the Democrat party.
"Jim failed the nation by voting for Hillary Clinton."
by snoobo August 30, 2007
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a word used on the internet and in real life to show off how smug and intellectualy challenged you realy are.
asshole: man that guy fails at everything
fuckhead: i know look at him its like "EPIC FAIL!"
by Glenn Tenis May 11, 2009
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Person a) Omg I just fell ova infront ov that suppperrrhot girl! :O
Person b) Fail.
by Yoyogiddysally January 21, 2009
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