A buddy is an Ole boy that goes to town, gets two blow jobs, then comes back and gives you one.
by Strongbarden November 4, 2010
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Noun - A friend who goes to town, gets two blowjobs, comes back and gives you one.
by Will January 6, 2005
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A small length of unwrapped. twisted electrical tape left at the end of a wrap, so the next guy can easily unwrap the tape. Failure to leave a buddy is being shitty to the next guy.
WiringDude1: That wiring job too twice as long because it took me 5 minutes to unwrap the electrical tape on each pull.

WiringDude2: Why didn't you use a buddy?

WiringDude1: I did, but the guy helping me didn't.

WiringDude2: Oh yeah, that dickhead never leaves a buddy.
by Coosey Junt December 14, 2013
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An experienced employee, paired up to a new recruit in large companies, such as supermarkets, such that the trainee can ask stupid questions and not bother the personnel officer with.

An uncool corporate word for "mentor".
Hey Buddy, where is the toilet? what does this notice mean? where is the duck pate? How do I use this stocktaking gizmo?
by Kerb November 28, 2004
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1. Lame or not popular; wack
person 1: hey man your buddy
person 2: oh thank you right back at ya
person 1: hell na get your lame ass on, you thought you had a friend
by crookedking February 26, 2009
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A mentor to young males who typically is a small time criminal who has done time on the county farm. Often, he gives teenage males guidance on automobile mechanics, bodywork and small time criminal knowledge, such as sleeping with your eyes open.
Kids today have MTV to show them how to be men, all we had was Imam and Buddy.

I heard Buddy got arrested, he's in jail down in Florida.
by Joe Iron May 25, 2007
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what a drug dealer calls someone they sell drugs to. sometimes if someone says something really stupid someone else would probally laugh and "say u a buddie"
"i'll be back, i gotta go sale this cocaine to my buddie"
by ms spencer February 11, 2009
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