A beta-male / cuck getting cheated on and later blamed for by his dominant gf / wife
Hey Mike have you heard that Erica cheated on her husband and later blamed him and yet he took her back? ’Yeah man, she really pulled a Will Smith on him‘

to Will Smith somebody / someone
by Intellectual Neanderthal April 6, 2022
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The requirement that a couple make love any time they hear Jackson Browne's "Somebody's Baby" from Fast Times at Ridgemont High. This rule has been around since approximately Christmas of 1982.
A wife is in the kitchen making crispy onion chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner when "Somebody's Baby" comes on the radio. She should immediately look at her husband and say, "By virtue of the "Somebody's Baby" Rule, we shall make love tonight." And the lovemaking shall commence that night after the kids go to bed.
by SBR Inventor September 20, 2013
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it is raining (or going to rain!)
somebody ordered slops, they're going to have to cancel the "big game"

i was going to get out there and do my 'thing', but somebody ordered slops
by michael foolsley June 6, 2011
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1.Yeah right
2.When a person knows it's not going to happen no matter what they say or try to do

Sammy: "You must finish all that work before lunch."
Mancebo: "Somebody lied to you."
by makinde October 7, 2003
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When you cut off someone's Dick off with a shiv.
Rat is a euphemism for dick. Like Amber Heard would have done if the marriage would have continued.
Amber was definitely "cutting somebody's Rat" yesterday, like she did with Johnny last week!
by Darkscrolls2enjoyer November 1, 2022
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a phrase you use when you don't know what else to say

something Johnny says to try and sound cool but he's really a super dork
do you like anime

bettah ask somebody
by uisdhfhoari February 9, 2016
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