When an intoxicated male goes home with with a short, pudgy and less attractive female.
Bro 1 - "Aw man did you actually go home with that war pig at the bar last night."
Bro 2 - "Yeah man, I totally got snookied.
by Incepticles October 15, 2010
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Did you hear that Jenny got snookied? Joe is such a fucking dick.
by snookiedbitch January 1, 2010
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Person 1: "Is that a bouncy ball with a trucker hat?"
Person 2: "Yeah, it's snooki"
by Jerz2010 September 11, 2010
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A slang word that describes any girl from the Jersey Shore
Down on the Jersey Shore, there are from any given time, 100 to 1000 Snooki milling about
by TRAPSTAR550 August 13, 2010
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A human punching bag, she is stupid, a whore, and looks orange. also is part of the worst, stupidest show on telivision
Oh yeah, Snooki got punched 4 times!!
by pandaeater October 21, 2010
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To get decked in the face due to lack of fighting/ducking skills
Yo that nigga just got snookied. He wont be able to eat regularly for days.
by jrzboi January 20, 2010
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