The act of pretending that you were close to someone who passed away to gain attention and sympathy
It suck that Jared died but did you see Christie front rowing with his family at the funeral. She barely knew him. She is always looking for attention.
by Charlie Badass September 29, 2019
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An instagram page you wouldn't want to see your daughter on.
Did you see Hannah on Old Row?
by Sahdude April 4, 2017
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A term used in the US Army to refer to someone who has made up every excuse to go to airborne school. AKA a leg, legg, chairborne ranger, or a TED. This person usually has lots of army stickers on their car, wears large screenprinted army and/or nascar shirts, and may have something gay or their licence plate such as, " bin there".
When will that rowe the leg ever go to airborne school? I thought he was high speed but he pussied out twice already.
by htgstr April 9, 2010
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Josh- You oweth me thy sum of tenneth pound

Harry Rowe- i'm a pussy and won't give it to you
Josh- Harry shut up mate
Harry Rowe- (retarded noises)
Josh- pleb
by Official_Oxford October 23, 2019
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To have oneself in complete composure; to make sure things are running smoothly
If you're going to go parachuting in the nude, make sure you have your ducks in a row.
by Anonymous May 7, 2003
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When a group of guys go out to a bar and pickup a group of girls. There is one hideous chick in the group, but in order for all the guys to get some action one of them must hook up with her. He is nominated "Mike Rowe" due to the host of "Dirty Jobs".
Jerry: "Hey ladies, let's go back to my house on the beach and get naked!"
TJ (whisper to Phil): "Phil, your turn to get the nasty one, I was Mike Rowe last weekend."
Phil: "Damn...alright, it's a "Dirty Job", but someone's got to take one for the team."
by JacknRochNY February 28, 2009
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Pervert's Row is the seating directly in front of (or around) the stage at a strip club. The view is incredible. It provides easy access to the stage itself, for stage diving or stripper interaction.
Pervert's Row was full so we had to sit at the back of the bar. I couldn't see a f*cking thing.
by Time4SumAksion February 14, 2005
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