43 definitions by Time4SumAksion

A male homosexual who plays the role of the pitcher during anal sex.
Richie enjoys the feeling of gerbals tickling his rectum. Spencer, his partner, likes to f*ck that rectum. He's a gerbal chaser.
by Time4SumAksion June 7, 2005
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An in-dash breathalizer that is now required by law, in Ontario, to be installed in all DUI offender's vehicles, once they have served their license suspension.

The offender must blow into the device every time the car is started. If there is any alcohol in the offender's blood stream, the car will not start.
Dick had to spend $1000 to have a Blow-N-Go put in his car.
by Time4SumAksion January 4, 2006
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Another term for a strip club.

In Canada, strippers are known as rippers.
Dwayne, meet me at the ripper bar.

Did you see that girl ripping at Whiskey's the other night? She was stacked.
by Time4SumAksion August 1, 2004
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The act of jumping on stage at a Ripper Bar, with a five dollar bill in your mouth. (At one time, two dollar coins were acceptable. Could even be performed with a stack of nickels.) The stripper proceeds to remove the bill from you mouth with her lips, cleavage, ass, or pussy.
Give me a fiver so I can jump on stage. That girl is hot!
by Time4SumAksion February 14, 2005
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I term used to describe a sighting of a fat hogg or othewise obese bitch.
Dick: Whoah, did you see that fat whore?
Tom: I sure did!
Harry: Yeah, it must've been Jenny Craig's Day Off.
by Time4SumAksion February 22, 2005
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What a pathetic mutherf*cker has to use when they don't own a car, a bike, or a bus pass. (ie. Walk, jackass!)
I have no friends, no life, no job, and no money. How am I going to get to the foodbank? I guess its two feet and a heartbeat...
by Time4SumAksion June 7, 2005
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A school for Convicts. In other words: jail, clink, slammer, etc.

A term made popular by the character Jim Leahy on Trailer Park Boys.
Leahy: "Have fun in Con College, Ricky!"

Ricky: "F*ck you, Leahy."
by Time4SumAksion November 30, 2004
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