23 definitions by Charlie Badass

The opposite of catfish. When you are a transgender who was born a male & you try to deceive your potential straight male date into believing they are a female.
The football player from Virginia Tech got cockfished & now he is facing serious charges. I hope he walks.
by Charlie Badass June 13, 2021
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When you are attempting to turn down someone's sexual advances but are not sure if you really want them to stop. Throwing confusing signals.
Dude I may have raped some chick but I'm not really sure she was screaming "No, don't, stop! No don't stop." It could've gone either way
by Charlie Badass June 13, 2021
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a cum mustache, a money shot that is isolated to the area between the nose and the upper lip
i got a blow job from zeus, the midget stripper, and i gave her a foo-man-goo.
by Charlie Badass November 8, 2006
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When someone has poor hygiene. Don't shower everyday. Doesn't brush teeth or wear deodorant
Dude Christie would be bangable if it wasn't for her lowgiene. She smells like the back of my ear.
by Charlie Badass July 2, 2022
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Brain Dialysis is a treatment for individuals who dont have a natural filter to screen out disturbing , inappropriate thoughts. Assists in the process of ridding your mind of toxins, waste products, impurities, and excess filth.
My mom's worried about my disturbing thoughts and says I say inappropriate things all the time she does not think that my natural filter works so she sending me to the shrink for brain dialysis.
by Charlie Badass October 14, 2020
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When a transexual makes a profile on a straight dating site and uses acronyms and code words in their "about me" section to disguise the truth hoping to get matched with an unsuspecting member who is unfamiliar with the lingo.
Friend: Dude, I matched with this cute chick on Tender .
Me: let me see... I just read her profile. Its a dude
Friend: Bullshit! Why do you say that?
Me: it says "Po Tg" she is Speaking Tranish. It means she is Post Operation Trans Gender.

Friend: ok cool. Don't tell nobody
by Charlie Badass November 10, 2017
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Dingleberries. Toilet Paper mixed with shit that becomes lodged in a tangled web of ass hairs.
Dude, Patrick mooned me earlier and it looked like he sat down in a bucket of caramel popcorn.
by Charlie Badass July 22, 2019
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