Used when someone sees something attractive online so they switch their phone to their non dominant hand so they can use their dominant hand to masturbate. Used mostly in comment sections
*miguel o hara edit plays*

commenter: The way my phone flew to my left/right hand
by jabberwokey October 12, 2023
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Politically correct term for nazis;
Usually, there should not be any politically correct terms for politically uncorrect people, but one may use this term here to refer to such specimens if one wishes to be creative, or if one is standing right next to such a group of people and does not desire to be understood. The use of a slightly cryptic circumscription guarantees in itself that a nazi does not understand it, because his brain capacity does not allow for more than hand-raising (hence the term) or the utterance of sentences with more than two words.
This term is particularly fitting for young nazis in rural areas, who tend to lack the courage to move out of mommy's place before the age of 70 (when they move to a retirement home because mommy is no more). In exchange for home and food, they have to help with chores, such as holding a laundry line in the yard, which their stiff right arms are perfect for.
"Haha, look at this ridiculous right-handed laundry line holder over there!"
by Favorite cousin May 1, 2012
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Right Hand Lady is another word for Right Hand Woman. They are an assistant that helps their boss with certain tasks.
by Bhediya November 2, 2020
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Hey, I hate to admit it Joe but you saw it before I did. And there was nothing wrong with it. He was keeping his hand up and only using he left. Remember? Like the story I told. He did the thing in real life that I did in the game... Wait... What's that sound? *Tonberry noises ensue*
Michael Bisping "Joe Rogan just texted me and he says he things there's something wrong with his right hand."

Hym "Huh? Oh yeah... He picked up on that quick... I should have seen that faster."

Bisping "He thinks it might be broken."

Hym "No. No... That's not what it is... Wait... What's that fuckin noise?" 🤨

*Tonberry noises ensue*

Hym 😨 "Oh! Tonberry!"
by Hym Iam September 29, 2023
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An obsequious (suck up) loud mouthed assistant, who serves no observable purpose other than to vociferously agree with and support whatever idea the boss has come up with.
"That Bob is Mister Big's right hand mouth."

Keep in mind this is all in good humor, and I have provided "equal time" for both parties:

Democrats: Condy is the president's right hand mouth.

Republicans: Bill is Hillary's right hand mouth.

TV Version: Dwight ("The Office") is Michael's right hand mouth.
by John X. Tampa April 21, 2008
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aright wing Republican patriotic nut, but one still not far right enough for alt-rad right groups such as the KKK
as a Republican leaning Jew, the most towards the radical right I can go politically is to be a right-handed flamethrower; further than that , not only do I personally not want to go there, but I won't be welcomed by the KKK
by Sexydimma November 23, 2016
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Nemo's right hand is extremely large and his penis is to.If you ever find a Nemo with a large hand stay with him because his dick is probably big.
Nemo's right hand was supposed to jerk off kong, but it really jerked of kenny kan.
by TimmyAndKongGotAids May 28, 2019
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