by Detranova July 28, 2003
Used to describe a conservative American incaple of thinking critically. These people consider it a compliment for some reason.
Bubba is very patriotic, which is good because it leaves more room in his skull for his uncle's whammy to fit.
by nomorebushpleasegodnomorebush December 12, 2003
'to be loyal to ones country'
In the USA and UK this seems to mean:
'totally agree with everything your supposed betters tell you and never question authority'
In the USA and UK this seems to mean:
'totally agree with everything your supposed betters tell you and never question authority'
Im patriotic I am, stand up for the national anthem, suport the England team but I really dont like paying my taxes'
by bigmeuprudeboy September 18, 2003
Usually said about a third party who may be in earshot, as to not offend them. "Someone smells in a patriotic way."
by T D Olson October 22, 2003