A stage in a Japanese persons life where they think they're a pokemon.
Doctor: Well it appears your brother is going through Japanese Puberty.

Seto: No! Mokuba say something!

Mokuba: Bulba! Bulbasaur!
by Black Bear Samurai April 1, 2010
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1.someone whose voice cracks unintentionally at any given moment.
the state, or the illusion of being in the midst of pubescence.
note: has nothing to do with age or gender

2.anyone who has just inhaled helium

3.someone actually going through puberty and who advertises this by wearing pants that are too short and not shaving their incoming scruff.
hey doll, its zach. Call(two octaves higher) *cough cough* me when you get this message.

why certainly, mister puberty.
by my uterus and i September 26, 2005
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The opposite of puberty. Your voice gets higher. Your dick gets smaller. You begin to look like an overgrown five-year-old. It makes you a castrato without the castration. It really sucks.
Evan just underwent reverse puberty and now he's pedobait.
by REEDRDS August 20, 2015
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Metal orthodontic braces. Comparable to the diamond-studded, gold and platinum grills worn by rap and hip-hop artists, except, instead of being a sign of wealth, a puberty grill is a sign of pubescence.
Johnny's teeth were crooked, so he went to the orthodontist and got a puberty grill.
by rjnewt July 6, 2014
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Another way of saying someone is coming out of their shell. A shy person that loses their inhibition.
Person 1:That guy used to be quiet now he tells killer jokes and buys shots for the whole bar. He's actually cool now.

Person 2: Yeah he went throught personality puberty
by jdbombassmofo December 12, 2010
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When your voice changes pitch during puberty, you play the puberty flute.
My fourteen year old son's voice hasn't mutated yet. He frequently plays the puberty flute when he can't steady his voice's pitch.
by s1s3but0 January 31, 2014
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(Or Pube Rock)
A spin-off "genre" of rock music practiced and lead by the soon-to-be-famous-emaciated-circus-bear, Brian K. Music traits usually consist of punk, pop, or hard rock rhythms of cover songs and rarely originals, killer face-melting drum solos, and "Peter Brady" style vocals. Adopted by any aspiring pubertal 12 year old with a passion for music and with impressive talent, minus the singing...

12 year old+drums+cd burner+camp+14 year old groupies=PUBERTY ROCK

kid 1: is that him playing drums?
kid 2: yeah
kid 1: and guitar?
kid 2: yeah
kid 1: wow...he sucks
kid 2: thats just his voice, the music is good though..
by stray September 15, 2004
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