Something the world seems to be lacking. John Lennon is spinning in his grave.
There is too much violence and hate. Sit back and have a smoke, work out the issues.

Peace, man.
by StonerificEmo February 19, 2010
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Something that should be achieved without making war because then you're doing the opposite of what you're supposed to do.
"come on let's make peace, can't we all just get a long?"
by koolyman March 10, 2006
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It is commonly misunderstood for the time inbetween wars, getting along, or any other peachy definition you can think of. Peace is a combination of love, harmony with all living beings, care, sharing, and freedom. If we all look hard enough we can find peace within ourselves, no matter how ruthless you are. If we all examine ourselves we would be able to make the world a trully peaceful place. Remember that the next time an under privladged person asks you for some spare change. Spread peace. Its something we all need to do.
Peace lives within all beings, if you look hard enough you will see it.
by Jeffrey M June 24, 2007
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What All true warriors strive for
"my boy this peace is what all true warriors strive for"
by Ian Edwards April 20, 2009
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a concept that's imaginable because it may in fact be possible.
* world peace has rarely been achieved so far in this world, but it is possible with an approach of mutuality and compassion. It is about togetherness, in terms of understanding and respecting different perspectives, as well as coming together to deal with issues of poverty, disease, and despair. Life can be amazing, and peace is possible (look to friendships, relationships, love and care to see how real it can be).
Peace is about putting down your weapons- guns and hurtful words, and trying to understand one another. Smile on.
by Sam Nemat Vaghar June 22, 2005
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Something this world has no hope for, ever.
by Anonymous June 8, 2003
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