A person who is addicted to coffee. Comes from the TV Show Gilmore Girls. Especially Lorelai and Rory are known as java junkies
LUKE: What are you doing?
LORELAI: I need coffee.
LUKE: It's 5:00 in the morning. Make coffee at your own house.
LORELAI: I did. I drank it all.
LUKE: You drank all the coffee in your house before five in the morning?
LORELAI: Big gulps, lots of sugar.
LUKE: *thinks: java junkie*
by ~dominique April 23, 2006
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Literally the best Genshin ytber I know. He does videos on Swords Only and Catalysts only. He slays tbh.
"Yo did you see Java the cup's new video?"
"Yes, he's so funny!"
by shotilsig July 3, 2022
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1) Intense sexual activity after consuming large amounts of caffeine
2) participating in sexual activity in a cafe establishment
Guys, I had the greatest java-sex on my break yesterday.
by FanFreakingTasticBich March 29, 2018
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When you pour your heart out to a girl that you liked. And she responds back with a full java script program that is syntactically correct, showing that she rejected you.
Person: Dude! I told Jessica I liked her the other day!
Bro: How'd it go?
Person: She java zoned me....
Bro: That was not cool bra.
by Callacas January 4, 2013
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Adderall and your favorite cup of joe! (coffee & adderall)
I think I might have a fucking problem, crushing adderall into moxie java.
by Qgrim July 19, 2017
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A computing department within a shit university that teaches one language usually very badly.
Ali: Yo, Ahmed is you doing programming this semester innit?

Ahmed: Yes bruv me is doing Java

Ali: Oh my days we is one of them Java Schools
by Johnywadd February 9, 2010
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