British: Yes I know but isn't this 13 colonies?? Y'all shall be put in slavery!
by Just a nibba tryna help February 17, 2018
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Having colonial mentality represents a misguided non-white person (commonly a Filipino, born or living in a white country) who is extremely white washed and conforms to white social settings due to their insecurity amongst his or hers ethnic or cultural identity and history.

The background of colonisation offers colonised people to perceive that their original nation was historically inferior since the Western cultures were able to triumphantly colonise, overall settling the idea of Europeans being superior. Effectively, this mentality causes members to unknowingly or purposefully reject and criticise anything topic-related to their ethnicity or culture as they may psychologically desire acceptance within their white society.

Attitudes + behaviours may include:
- Disliking/avoiding traditions
- Eating with European cutlery
- Dressing in fashion related to anything but their heritage
- Hating your (dark) skin tone, often using products that whiten or bleach ones skin tone
- Discriminating people of their ethnicity/culture, criticising their appearance or customs
- Values the European lifestyle and people
- Will be in a relationship with a person of European descent
Filipino teen with colonial mentality:
1) "Spain was able to colonise our islands, claim then establish it as the Philippines, therefore their domination makes me appreciate Western cultures because they are superior."

2)"I hate my cultural identity because we are politically and economically imperfect. This means people will think I'm lame."
by YourSenpaiWaifu December 26, 2019
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The reverse of "jungle fever." A person of color lusting after a white person.
Jose has Colonial Fever; he's trying to jump Becky's bones.
by BrichesNhose April 18, 2011
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the crap teachers make you read 100 pages about and then write an essay over the fucking summer!!!!
Colonial America: who wants to read about how america was formed????
by carllison July 27, 2008
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a temporary condition experienced when you wait too long to take a poop and the urge seems to magically disappear. i.e. the turd retreats up into the depths of your colon
Dude on Bus: Oh man! Pull over, I have to drop a doozer!

Bus Driver: Go fuck your mother!
Dude on Bus: (sad) ok
(20 minutes later)
Dude on Bus: Woah! Where did it go? My poo has disappeared!
Lady next to dude on bus: Don't worry sugar, It sounds like you just had some colonial retreat, it'll be back
Bus Driver:(condescendingly) Oh it will be back, oh will be back...
by Fastax666 June 4, 2009
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A Dutch colonial is where a man takes a shit on a woman's chest while wearing a powdered wig.
Jefferson: I gave my drama teacher a Dutch colonial after she have me detention for being a wise ass in class.

George: in the principals office?

Jefferson: no, gave her a Dutch Colonial in Chambers. A Dutch Colonial in Chambers is the same thing except that the powdered wig is on a mannequin facing us while I shit on her chest.
by Lord Cornwallice January 1, 2014
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The area Australia is derived from. A long time ago, britain ran out of room in its prisons, so it sent out prisoners to Australia with free land. These criminals make up a majority of Australia's Population today.
Person 1: I learned about the Penal Colony of Australia in World History today! :)
Person 2: Want Some Crack?
by Taeko Hentie April 8, 2006
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