A word coined by most TikTok users, which they put in their bio to either seek attention or to justify having said the most ignorant bullshit known to man. Separate from people who ACTUALLY have autism.
Person 1: Dude, you see that fat blue haired chick who said all men are rapists, and that straight people shouldn’t have human rights? Turns out she’s autistic.
Person 2: Oh, well I guess I can’t call her out on her faulty logic, because then I’d be an ableist.
by Doomah May 23, 2021
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relating to or affected by autism.
Autistic people aren't allowed in discord servers
by tacooo cat May 17, 2018
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An evolved form that a high functioning autistic person obtains when they are shown TMNT, Naruto, Kung Fu Panda, or Dragon Ball.
After learning the combat style of which ever cartoon/anime they were shown, they will immediately go and beat the shit out of all the school bullies.
Martial Autists are extremely deadly, armed or unarmed. You'll be much better off avoiding any fights with them
by Pokedex #184 February 4, 2020
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A person who publicly identifies as autistic, especially on social media, because it is trendy to wear an identity crisis like a badge of honor. Con autists typically suffer from hypochondria and conceal ulterior motives.
Spike: Have you noticed all these Instagram influencers talking about being autistic nowadays? There are ADHD and even schizophrenia influencers, too. Whose bright idea was it to market personality types as legitimate mental illnesses?
Jet: Yeah, you know the pharmaceutical industry makes a fortune daily by convincing people that they're crazy. Classic con artists.
Spike: More like con autists...
Jet: It's a sign of the times!
by Aethertigris March 25, 2023
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The natural rizz that any autistic person is gifted with
I have that autistic rizz 😎
by Semicolon618 June 19, 2023
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When two autistics are having handstand sex, and the one on the right had a seizure just after having an orgasm, and the other keeps going until having a seizure themselves.
I was doing some autistic porn, then I was rudely interrupted by a seizure.
by Herpesbacon January 26, 2017
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When your autism is so bad that it causes you to have a special type of AIDS. The AIDS combines with your autism to make you the stupidest fuck that ever existed in the world. If you have autistic AIDS, you're not just regular stupid, you're a waste of fucking Oxygen stupid. The stupidity manifests itself not only through academics, but in social interactions and behaviors.
This Polish kid in my Medical Interventions class is such a fucking c***. He made me do the entire lab report by myself when he jerked off to gay squirrel porn. His autistic AIDs is fucking contagious.
by Gul Dukat April 25, 2017
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