When a person (usually a female) attracts another person instantly, and the other individual is strung along like a spell was cast on them
Yo, last night Jeremy met this chick at the bar; he totally got witched. Like, this dude can't get enough of her.
by kiradec November 3, 2023
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Call her a witched lady (all in good fun) and watch her get confused and mad. “You’re a witched lady”
by Peoplepeoplepeople March 25, 2023
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Is a cute adorable little monster that follows you around where you work to a stalking degree, often lightweight when drinking, has four eyes, easy to throw, better at charming people with her smile than with magic, retarded, and has chicken feet.
by Chester J. L'Carne September 21, 2021
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Mother of all witches. The singer Kate Bush.
- My little sister keeps listening to this annoying singer, I can't stand it anymore.
- What singer?
- I don't know. She has this high-pitched voice and keeps calling this Heathcliff.
- Aaah, it's the Red witch.
- Red witch?
- Yeah, Kate Bush.
- Never heard of her...
by fannyhill1972 December 13, 2018
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descretely creeping le witch during the mating hours of young cats. creeping the witch must be done only by hotties that like to suck long shlongs.
e'ry day at lunch, we creep the witch
by Jimmy99827 April 30, 2008
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A celebrity woman who steals lots of tv attention, even though nobody cares about her.
Lindsay Lohan is a Media Witch...She goes to rehab so much and nobody ally cares about her anymore.
by witchhunter August 26, 2012
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An unconfirmed, sometimes irrational sure feeling about a situation or theory that has not yet occurred or been tested. Coined by fashion stylist Rachel Zoe.
"I know you don't know the sex of the baby yet, but I'm getting a witch vibe you're having a girl."
by Ann Berk August 4, 2017
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