When men, at every age, who are infected with the coronavirus are far more likely to die than women, based on the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of men and women, which is the number of infected cases divided by the number of deaths.
One theory why Covid-19 prefers men to women is the fact that women with two X chromosomes have a more powerful immune system than men, who only have one, and a number of immune genes are only found on the X chromosome.
by Covido November 25, 2020
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Anti-feminist Women who pretend to be feminist in order to suck up men to get rich not really giving a shit about anyone but themselves. Anti-feminist women make themselves look so unattractive and ugly on purpose just to please their superiors who are their male bosses in the higher class corporate jobs. These egotistical women tend to speak for other women in general who don't even wanted to be associated with them. Anti-feminist women go by an evil unethical segregation standard of choosing the women they see proper and flooding out the ones that are not. This is also know as selective breeding or eugenics. Typical Anti-feminist women usually have jobs in politics and corporate mainstream media. Two prime examples of Anti-feminist women include Anita Sarkeesian from ABC News, and Hilary Clinton.
Anita Sarkeesian likes to please her male superiors by spewing garbage over the news attacking everything with no justification. She likes to target video game industries, religious people, non religious people, and anything else that will get her a promotion in the corporate America. She is not not a feminist because she doesn't care about all women. Anita Sarkeesian is indeed an Anti-feminist woman.
Hilary Clinton thinks women who were raped are trash. She only cares about the prestigious women. She is one of those anti-feminist women who strike fear into anyone that criticizes her. She is surrounded by male politicians who she clings onto in order for her to help her presidential candidacy.
by superbipolar420 July 30, 2015
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Weirdos who think they're "cool" or "alphas" most of the time they're lonely and have never seen a real woman like ever.
Russel Heartly: to pick up a female (or some call them mares) you have to...

Literally everyone: shut the hell up bro

Kurtis Conner: why do guys who call women females exist. We should burn them to the ground.
by Star.Mohddd August 23, 2023
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French women don't get fat is a false claim. Many people assume this to be true do different reasons even though French females have the same amount of obesity as the EU average.
The german girl said french women don't get fat, the german girl was wrong.
by @mrkulci April 2, 2021
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A act made by me which allows everybody to stand up for women's right. And everybody's rights and to donate to #TeamTrees
We Are Women We Are Free Supporters:WE ARE WOMEN WE ARE FREE
by NoPh.D November 30, 2019
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Two girls who talk in deep man voices who exterminate bees and spiders. They love to sing Love Like Woe from The Ready Set in deep voices while they exterminate.
Have you heard of the Deep Voiced Women Exterminators? They sound like men when they kill bees and spiders. That's totally hot.
by cheywillattackattackyou December 14, 2010
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