975 definitions by Deep Blue 2012
Where someone sends pronagraphic stories,comments and jokes ect. through texting. That is instead of being a nude photo that is texted. some people make it a contest to see who can make up the most pornagraphic stories,jokes ect.
by Deep Blue 2012 May 26, 2010
September 1st. The day that every one is encouraged to have rainbow parties and to invite everyone they know.
by Deep Blue 2012 August 29, 2010
A guy who is made to have sex with other guys most often against there will and in the most extreme cases made to cross dress and wear make up to look like a woman. Often seen in prisions and other places where there is a lot of agression and no women.
by Deep Blue 2012 May 8, 2010
A guy that kills cops for a living. usually part of an antipolice army run by a drug lord or drug cartell by may also work by him self. some times kills comiters of police brutality ect. He often does his job when there off duty.
John is an antipolice hit man.
by Deep Blue 2012 October 28, 2009
The study of all aspects of riots and how to start one and stop the cops from braking it up ect. a brach of crimeology and sociology.
by Deep Blue 2012 February 28, 2010
by Deep Blue 2012 July 12, 2010
January 18th. The day that people are incouraged to work for sexual civil rights and to assert those rights. That is the right to fuck anyone you want.
To day is sexual civil rights day.
by Deep Blue 2012 February 9, 2010