She is the most perfect female in your life.. some can only dream of meeting someone as truly irreplaceable as her... the one person you never want to lose. She is the most caring, kind, loving, knowledgeable, funniest, and BEAUTIFUL woman ever..
Wow penny pearston is the best woman ever.
by Penny pearston March 31, 2018
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A term used to describe urban areas with a high concentration of poor blacks
Keep away from that penny jar at night if you don't want to be mugged.
by marylincoln March 25, 2011
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A penny press is someone who always has to chime in and say some half-fact nonsense. They try to act smart and seem like they know stuff but, the “stuff” is worthless like a penny. Think of one of those penny machines where you put two in and one squashed penny comes out.
“She’s just a penny press, always putting in her two cents and not contributing to the conversation”
“What you’re saying is useless, stop being a penny press”
by BluePug May 27, 2022
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The amount of payment you are willing to give to a cheap hooker with leprosy; how much you'd would give your best friend for a blowjob from them
"I payed Betty two pennies and a half smoked cigarette for a blowjob, but only got herpes out of it."
by McDonalds Pizza February 25, 2021
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When your name is Sean and you go to Dunstable Downs and get wanked off under a tree and cant finish
'My names Sean and im off for Penny - Wank'
by S Penny August 17, 2022
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A person who is a 1 on the 1-10 hot scale but has a great personality.
Yeah Kayla is ugly but she's a pretty penny.
by YourBoyMatty April 14, 2016
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