Fuck Joe Biden, aka the worst, weakest and dumbest president in US history.
Fuck Joe Biden, that pedo can go eat a dick!
by PhoenixGamer34 October 9, 2022
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The man who’s been in office for almost 50 years and hasn’t done anything. He’s also very racist and doesn’t like the LGBTQ+ community
OMG! Joe Biden just called us a waste of air. He said we’re not black if we don’t vote for him. FUCK JOE BIDEN
by Mmmmoo December 6, 2020
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When you are telling a story and randomly a string of gibberish comes out of your mouth, but you continue on with the next sentence without correcting yourself as if it never happened. Usually this is the sign of a serious medical condition or brain problem, but somehow ignored if you’re a politician running for public office.
“I’ll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunaumaprazure”

Patrick:”What did he just say? Lead a what”

Ryan: “I think he just had a stroke”

Biff: “I’m just going to ignore it because I hate the guy running against him so much!”

Ralph: “Come on Man! He’s just going Joe Biden!”
by Paddow101 November 7, 2020
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It is an appropriate name for a uncalled sex affender
Lily:fuck joe biden he is a sex affender

(In my opinion)
by COD 4 December 23, 2020
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A rich delusional old racist white man who is unfit to be president but voted into office by a bunch of idiots who can't do anything for themselves and consider the government there mommy and daddy.
I wish I could be as responsible as a trump supporters but ima fuck joe biden
by J Daddy 2020 January 22, 2021
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Taking a voluminous, stinky, soft serve Poo.
Yo homey, you better pull over at the next rest stop so I can drop a Joe Biden. If you don’t, I swear that I’m going to drop a Biden in my pants.
by Skone Dog September 1, 2021
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