A 13 year old Loves Mario too much Never quit
Mario kid : let’s play Mario

Other kid : no
by The epic bros October 4, 2020
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A 13 year addicted to Mario and never give up to quit Mario
Mario kid : let’s play Mario bros
Other kid: no
by The epic bros October 4, 2020
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Usually whiny and entitled. Here's how to spot one:

Male: has a mullet, obsessed with dirt bikes and trucks, plays Fortnite 24/7, watches dirt bike videos on Tik-Tok, listens to shitty country music, wears under armour, and thinks he's cool because he's friends with the richest kids in his class.

Female: has long hair, uses Tik-Tok, has the latest iPhone, listens to Billie Elish, gets offended by everything, posts on Instagram about "being depressed", drinks Starbucks everyday, posts duck lip pictures on Snapchat, wears only Acrombe and Fitch, and only hangs out with the "popular girls"
My youngest brother is an annoying kid.
by Vampira Andres July 7, 2023
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The process of swallowing male ejaculation after oral sex (‘Kids’ referencing sperm)
Drink my kids: Basically an XVideos category

(Beta): “You’re trash at Call of Duty”
(Sigma): “Your mom drank my kids”
by Meat_Grinder47 February 18, 2022
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It's in between an Upper Decker (pooping in the tank) and Dropping The Kids Off At The Pool (pooping in the bowl). You just drop the lid and go to work. It's a much more direct way of saying "Fuck You" to someone you despise. The poop on the lid makes a very slippery surface; much like a skating rink.
I can't wait to go to that asshole's party tonight! I'm going to stay as late as possible then Drop The Kids Off At The Skating Rink so he/she has to skate the scat with a hangover tomorrow! What a douchebag!
by Mr. Glisten January 29, 2015
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A person whom posseses undeniable rap/trap talent
Hey! I saw gucci kid at a concert today!
by Rap. Fun December 12, 2018
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A kid (mostly boy) who plays a game 24/7 and gets good at it. Similar to sweat.
Jordan is a freakin Adderall kid. He plays fortnite all day and gets good at it.
by NickFromLaffayette May 4, 2020
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