It's a more sophisticated way of saying "alcohol jacket." Saying that you're wearing an alcohol jacket makes you seem a little less classy. Not only is saying you're wearing a hypothetical coat more entertaining, it's also a little less obvious.
After a night of drinking:
Guy 1: "Man! It's so cold out here. I can't believe we're drunk and walking home in the snow!"
Guy 2: "I know!"
Guy 1: 'Hey, aren't you cold in just a t-shirt?"
Guy 2: "No way man! I'm wearing my hypothetical coat!"
by Dragon Woman January 30, 2010
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An argument without any proven facts.
Your argument is baseless; you've got nothing to hang your coat on. Take it with you on the way out.
by SuicideBot October 17, 2019
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a person with a very hairy back
Whenever i hug you it feels like you have a coat on.
He has such a coat on.
by SATANakaASHY July 30, 2015
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hen your pet is shedding prodigious amounts of their coat during a seasonal change say from winter to summer.
my house is COVERED with cat hair this time of year because my cat is blowing coat.
by word jockey July 5, 2019
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I ate a deep fried Mars bar. I had a batter coated orgasm then died of heart failure but got a massive load off. It was worth it.
by MarsBarBoy February 11, 2011
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Claiming you have had COVID-19 based on being around or in close contact with a person who’s had COVID-19 to reap the financial and emotional benefits.
Oh Steven? His wife Sally had COVID-19... he’s just riding her covid coat-tails to try to make her buy him things and feel for him. He’s a douche
by Sweaty dirt pig August 6, 2021
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to only leave a little of something
my friend asked for a sip of my coke but only left a coating powder.
by mac daddy69 April 25, 2011
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