In some East Indian dialects, "yar" (or more appropriately "yaar") means friend, but it is used in many sentences as a sort of pause.

1. To talk to a friend.
2. To add a frustration tone.
3. To express anger.
4. To insert a short pause, akin to the English word "um," though never used more than once in a sentence.
1. What is up, yaar.
2. Oh no, we're gonna die, yaar.
3. What the hell was that, yaar.
4. I was at the mall the other day, yaar, and I bought this shirt.
by Vinay Kapadia March 25, 2004
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"you are", as spoken by Bette Davis to Joan Crawford in "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?"
"But YAR, Blanche, YAR in that wheelchair!
by kara August 18, 2004
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an english measurement used by the chinese with an accent; discovered by the curious mind of matt lu
Matt Lu: Coasch, how many yars off the ball?
by mp January 13, 2005
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Friend. Urdu from Persian. wide range of meaning and usage from 'someone whom you have just met' to 'beloved'. Commonly heard 'arre yar' which is a term either of contradiction like 'come off it' or of surprise like 'fuck me'.
by klidenengro February 3, 2004
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1.n A character in Star Trek.
2. v For a character to die and not be revived, Like Natasha Yar
I wish Link would be Yarred
by SoMePeRs0n/guy April 1, 2007
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Something you'll here from the homeless man at Freebirds in Isla Vista, California.
Yar! I'm Pirate, and I joke and sing for Freebirds burritos
by Stu October 28, 2004
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