75 definitions by Stu

George is NUFFIN!

<Stu> "How bigs your package George?"
<George> "I've got NUFFIN. I am NUFFIN. Me, NUFFIN, same same."
by Stu October 16, 2003
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The term used when someone of the male persuasion throws their freshly worn underwear right in another person's face.
After a long day of work, Mario came home and gave his wife a dick pie.

From the movie "Angus":
Troy Wenberg-"Now that's what I call getting a slice of the ol' dick pie"
by Stu March 14, 2004
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dodgy butcher, domebody who takes it up the backside.
by Stu March 1, 2005
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A word used to describe something that is not good.
Fuck me, I lost my right testicle! That is shithouse.
by Stu December 5, 2002
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Hari Krishna rock featuring repetitive chanting with killer solos. Can cause brainwashing after listening to one 43 minute track. You've heard of punk rock, this is monk rock.
Gauranga gauranga, gauranga HE-HE-HEY! Hari krishna hari hari krishna krishna HE-HE-HEY!
by Stu September 29, 2003
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Originally seen on the General Mayhem forums, Vault is the place where we keep the funny, aka, comedy gold, platinum and plutonium. only the finest metals of comedy are stored in the vault.
by Stu September 27, 2004
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The leftover excrement that is found hanging on a persons anus hair.
Jills arse was dirty because she had alot of cleg nuts.
by Stu January 6, 2004
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