An extremely delicious piece of food which comes in two varieties: the 'breakfast' waffle (usually eaten with maple syrup), and the 'potato' waffle (usually eaten with a condiment such as tomato ketchup). Waffles are often given as presents to people
"I would like to eat something."
"Have a waffle."
"Thank you. Oh, this tastes delicious."
And so on and so forth.
by Quigley June 22, 2005
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Waffling or, to be waffly, is to lose yourself in talking rubbish. To speak about nothing but mention everything.
by the bg August 20, 2004
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<User1> Im so fat
<User2> waffle !
by Anonymous November 11, 2002
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While receiving a blow job, pull one's dick out of girls mouth, raise girl's head and proceed to slap her face with both hands simultaneously creating a waffle like impression on her face. Follow by releasing splooge on her face to serve as butter or syrup, whichever you prefer.
Leroy: What is wrong with that skeezer's face?
Tyrone: She must have received a severe waffling!
by T.O.W.M. February 21, 2008
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UK use- (v.) to communicate inconcisely.
I tried reading 'the art of war' by SUN TZU but there was so much waffling and nonsensical rhetoric that I could barely find the useful information. Same for Mein Kampf
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putting anything and everything into a waffle maker and making it a waffle
"if i had a waffle maker i would be waffling everything"
by mikkkkles August 7, 2017
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