When your walking in a public place with your friends and you see a girl with nice full bodacious breasts. You wanna say something to your friends without alerting the big boobed girl, so you say "Damnnn looked at them tig bitties"
sexy big breasted female walks in the room

you:"jesus that girls got some tig bitties"

girl: what did you just sayy??

you: tig bitties, its a compliment trust me.
by LBD21 April 26, 2010
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toby tig is a game made popular by the blackwatch regiment of the UK army. The game has the same format as tig where whoever is 'it' has to tig someone else to become 'it'. To do this they must wait until someone is asleep or not paying attention and slap them in the face with their penis (LOL) known as a pecker or turkey slap. Games of toby tig have been known to go on for longer than a month....
Mikey: Guys i'm bored what we going to do
Spiden: Lets play Toby Tig
Nick: what the hell spiden i don't want to take a penis on the chops!
Pete: then you can go it
by toby tigger September 2, 2008
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A way to say "big titty/titties" when you can't say bit titties.
Cuz his dad was around, Timmy said to Jimmy, "damn.. that girlks got tig bitties!"
by Korijo June 22, 2003
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in those pictures we had tig bits!
by foo April 25, 2004
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