The great enslaver. They bind the souls of man into a vast and uniform grid devoid of reality, of existence, of meaning. The tests are the infernal spawn of the infernal spawn of evil- they take education and crush it down into bubbles, which they further crush into your poor mind. So called "educators," make the children take the ACTs, SATs, etc. only to harness what was good in their life and crush it away. The tests have no purpose but to destroy, to conquer, to cause anguish to the wretched and miserable test-takers. They reify all that is bad, wrong, evil, disgusting, putrescent, and filthy. There is no moral harm greater than being forced to take a standardized test.
Jim had to take standardized tests. Rather than complete it he stabbed his pencil through his throat and watched the blood gush out on to the neat answer sheet, filling in the ovals with the red pain they cause for humanity. Jim died.
by The Wisest One of All Time October 12, 2009
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A slant (pun intended) on the traditional statistical feature of standard deviation whereby the sexual deviance levels of an Asian male can be predicted by positive linear equation, as they are largely constant
'What is it about being a standard deviantAsian? Here I was minding my own business enjoying a spot of inoccuous Japanese porn in the work toilet cubicle on my lunch break when the whole thing inevitably descended into a bukkake fest. It was terribly off-putting. Those crazy Asians like filth nearly as much as they like rice and foot binding'
by Anonymous submissions December 30, 2016
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adj. Completely, utterly, absolutely ordinary in every way. British slang.
"Dave drives a totally bog standard Escort. Not even aircon. Dave is a cheap bastard."
by Satandog April 18, 2006
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When A Girl Or A Boy are so desperate for friends or an intimate partner that they will take even the least attractive and least intelligent etc. as adequate.
Jeff: Did you hear Linda is dating that freakshow Johny?

Todd: She has Low Standards Man.
by Captain Cream Soda August 5, 2016
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Being unfair with others yet enabling certain people to do what you didn't let the others do.

For example, you have a bowl of chips that everyone can eat from but you don't allow certain people at the party to have the chips.

Double Standards can also apply to genders. Like, it's not weird to see a woman wearing men's clothing but it's very odd to see a man wearing women's clothing. So double standards come in different circumstances.
(both men notice a shy girl)
Man 1: What's the matter with her?
Man 2: Oh, she's just shy.
Man 1: That's hot!

(the girls see Man 2)
Girl 1: What's his problem?
Girl 2: He isn't very social
Girl 1: What a creep!
Man 1: This is a Double Standard, my friends.
by Simplistic Seth August 3, 2012
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Basic, mandatory item. A term used in the military. Serves for various things, including weapons and clothes (normally called BDU's).
"The M16 is the standard-issue firearm of the US military, and the Beretta M9 is the standard-issue sidearm."
by Dave April 16, 2004
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When one purchases four dances at a strip club from one stripper in a row. Depending on location and costing about $60-80, it is the minimum amount to really get a feel for the quality and performance.
Friend 1: "How was it?"
Friend 2: "Shit, I didn't notice, but by the end of it, she had me for three standard quads! I gotta hit the ATM for more cash now."
Friend 1: "Killer"
by DrSteak August 7, 2011
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