Shibby is a reward for awesomeness or for digusting awesomeness.
Cannot describe. Must be experienced. When the awesomeness takes place, it is known it is time to reward with shibby.
by Teh Commy October 6, 2003
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A synonym for Awesome, or Cool

But unlike those words, Shibby can only be found at the end of a sentence by itself, or by itself.

Only used by stoners, and used in any other context, person would be considered a loser.
"I got laid, shibby."

"I got laid."
by none November 16, 2003
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marajuana,pot,way of greeting,
what to say when you are scared, embarassed or any other feeling
shibster-person of shibby
lets go smoke shibby
you tapped her, SHIBBY MAN!
lets go Shibby
cya, shibby
by Chester May 11, 2003
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short for shibbiekenotia, which is a latin expression of gratitude (much like the english "DUDE!!!")
What, coffee flavored donuts?!?!?!?!?!?
by Jameson Rogers April 25, 2004
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the lowdown; what's going on; the current events in one's life
Q: What up homie?
A: The shibby.
by Kara April 10, 2004
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Teen-age female 'slang' term for 'Hot Guy'. Often assosiated with midnight sugar consumation, and lack of forsight.
See: Insania-Insomnia
"Did you see that guy in front of me? Very Shibby!"
by Asabeth_Blue August 19, 2004
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