47 definitions by Chester

See IILF to further understand who B & R are.
The B & R sandwich is good cookin. mmmm
by Chester January 11, 2005
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A state once achieved by Lucious the Great. It requires tripping on acid, then slowly drinking a half a case of beer over the course of the evening, then smoking a lot of pot. It usually produces a facial expression resembling near-death or being under the influence of strong anesthetics.
That kid is mangled... he should probably go to sleep before he hurts himself...
by Chester January 30, 2004
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a person/thing that enjoys snatching and breaking poo in half.
"damn that guy is a crap snapper"
by Chester November 30, 2003
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this is the act of going down on a dead chick.
I saw her cold lifeless corpse and knew it was time to receive my blue wings.
by Chester August 6, 2003
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Johnny sure is driving a clean ass blue nutbucket
by Chester April 21, 2004
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The gooch,the grundle, that seam between your ballsac and asshole, the one that if it wasn't there you'd fall apart because it holds you together.
nasty!!! there was hair on the girls seam that I fingured last night!!!
by Chester June 3, 2004
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