Dont ever use this word because it has been destroyed by the shittest human beings on the planet; Jake and Logan Paul
"Yo did you know only bitches use the word savage?"
"bro.......thats savage"
by Ayt Calm June 1, 2019
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Savageitis. Some symptoms include: compulsive ratchetry,excessive savagery, a constant craving to roast, ranting+a idgaf attitude( no known cure), excessive cussing and vulgar language
Vanessa has savageitis so she can't come to the fight because she'll roast the bih to death

@sinomabasa and @_queeen_v been had savageitis since day one but it unleashes full force on twitter and school
by @_queeen_v October 29, 2015
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biggest badest motha there is, no need to say more
by Anonymous August 7, 2003
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Means excellent more the good.

Comes from Dublin.
That song is a savage.
That film was a savage.
by Mark Keenan April 21, 2004
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Wild and untamed, a ferocious animal like human being
Sarah just sharpened her pencil with scissors, she's such a savage
by Moistbag May 2, 2015
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An individual who excels at all things in his/her personal, professional, and social lives, often leaving friends and family to ponder how he/she is capable of pulling it off.
Dude, Collin is a Savage! His girl cooked him an amazing dinner and then he made her do all the dishes, filming the entire process on his phone.
by JAROLL January 15, 2017
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the most hard core thing or muthafucka ull ever meet.
That fuckers savage. Hes babsin it like crazy.
by niglet December 16, 2003
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