sailing for cock

v. the act of sailing the high seas for a delicious cock

This act is especially common at frat halloween parties where many females are dressed as slutty sailors. These skanks are clearly not sailing a boat, ergo they are sailing for a nice cock to ride.
Emily was sailing for cock last night, but luckily captain Buckalas was there to give it to her.
by Fast Ed December 11, 2009
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When you want 2 people to date you ship them, when they do end up dating, that’s when “the ship is sailing
Hey! Did you hear that jack and Leslie are finally together?

No way! The ship is sailing!
by MysteryLife13 January 9, 2021
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How many times a loaded ferry will travel to its destination and back before it it your turn to get on.
It's looks like it's about 3 sailing waits down at the ferry terminal.
by SpiderRider3 June 5, 2010
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An ethnic slur.

A crew-mait who's only function is to raise and drop sails.
"You dirty little Sail-Dropper."
by Duke the MiniNuke November 20, 2022
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1. A sailing boat with pink or purple sails.

2. The elongated and often irregular fleshy lobes that hang from either side of the undercrackers of the oversexed female Homo sapiens.
In context (On a windy day)- "Jade, I can see your bacon sails!"
by Frodo Horsfall November 8, 2007
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A cat that has been run over so many time, you can pick him up and sail him like a frizbee.
" Yesterday a highway pizza, today a sail cat."
by J E Walker April 25, 2003
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