A game which normally takes advantage of women that dont know how to play poker in which they end up naked
Liam took his chance at a party and played strip poker with ollie and lost on purpose
by Jay Clarkson December 27, 2005
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An unusually long penis capable of poking a baby within a pregnant woman's uterus during intercourse.
Mary ran out of the bedroom screaming as she saw John's baby poker. When confronted, she confessed she herd the baby giggle within her as John's baby poker rocked both of their boats.
by Codehtehsilent August 12, 2011
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The God of Poker. Poker God never loses. Poker God always knows the right time to fold. Poker God always calls the all-in bluff. Poker God always gets the card he needs on the river. Even when Poker God has no hope of winning, he shall invoke divine intervention in the form of an invalid card. Poker God has the power to scare people into not calling his bluffs.

Poker God Facts

Some people fold preflop. When you play the Poker God you fold pre deal. He just takes the blinds.

No one raises Poker God unless he lets you.
Poker God once won the world series of poker despite him holding just a joker, a 2 of clubs, a 7 of spades, a green number 4 from Uno, and a Monopoly 'get out of jail free' card.
I had the Poker God eliminated with a nut flush against the two pair, however, the divine intervention of the Poker God was invoked and a Walgreens card came up, thus nullifying the hand and fucking me over for the rest of the game.
by columbusdiscoveredgold July 14, 2011
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Like a poker face, but characterizes the inner desire to play poker. When we play poker, we must have a poker face that opponents do not read our cards, and when we want to play we have Poker mood. We can start to play without poker face, but we must have Poker mood, because it affects our game more than we think. Taken from the site PokerAgency.Ru
I have a poker mood
by GGuncha June 16, 2014
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Jane spat on Dave's pork poker before he entered her up her council gritter.
by Ray Giorgione April 8, 2019
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Slang for pot smoker, usually used by stoners when stoned to hide the fact that they've been 'poking smot'. Often used on facebook status updates by stoners who don't want others to know they're smot pokers.
Stoner - 'Hey, Cindy, are you a smot poker?'

Cindy - 'What?'

Stoner - 'Guess not'
by Cayk November 29, 2010
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australian; aussie; no particular attributes, except their ockerinity
"have you spoken to the possum pokers about that yet?"
by dennis-mcgavidy April 3, 2006
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