Refusing to acknowledge one's own negative feelings and double standards, instead choosing to poke at or call out other people's.
The guy/girl thought that he/she was not a hypocrite, while everyone else thought he/she was a hypocrite too. Cynicism masked by a smile is still cynicism, not optimism, its hypocrisy just like everybody else's.
by Solid Mantis June 10, 2020
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When someone known as the mouth of the south starts talking about other people's mouths, you have hypocrisy at its worst.
The mouth of the south wants to preach about other people's mouths now, hypocrisy doesn't get any worse.
by Solid Mantis April 3, 2020
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When scientists are dictating what common sense should be for everyone, you have hypocrisy.
Scientists are among the least socially responsible people around, and they're telling people about taking things seriously and common sense. Hypocrisy is hypocrisy for the rest of us hypocrites.
by Solid Mantis July 31, 2020
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A guy who beats the shit out of his wife and wins a baseball game in the same day has accomplished 2 things that day, one considered (agreed to be) by most people to be negative, the other positive. You could ask OJ about what that's like, nobody thinks of OJ without thinking of a criminal, people hardly remember he played football too. If you're gonna judge one book by its cover, shouldn't you judge all books by their covers? The same people who don't think each person is different are usually the ones telling people not to judge books by their covers, and that there's more than meets the eye in the first place (except with guys like OJ or wife beating baseball players, for some reason they think you should judge certain people if they tell you to do so). They tell you don't underestimate them, but its fine if you ridicule others.
Judging one kind of book by its cover and not another is hypocrisy. Since everyone's a hypocrite, everyone would have a cause to investigate hypocrisy in others.
by Solid Mantis January 14, 2020
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Expecting someone you've been stealing from for years to love, praise and respect you is hypocrisy since they don't owe you any of that.
He/she expected everyone to follow his/her bullshit rules after taking all their money, and expected them all to be in a mood to celebrate, what's a worse hypocrisy than that?
by Solid Mantis March 28, 2020
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Oh!? What!? Really!?
Hym "There's hypocrisy involved in the Russell Brand case!? Because he's not getting paid!? OOOOOOOH BOY-OH-GEEZ GUYS! WOW! WHAT A TRAGEDY! HE'S NOT GETTING PAUD FOR HIS CONTENT!? OOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOO!!! IT COULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED TO A MORE CHARISMATIC RAPIST! What an absolute goddamn shame! I wonder if there is anything happening to anyone that is... OH, I DON'T KNOW maybe in a VAGUELY ANALOGOUS situation? Maybe there's like this NOT A FUCKING JUNKIE RAPIST who, I don't know, isn't being paid for the things that he does! But WHO!? WHO COULD THAT PERSON BE!? Oh wait... 😃👈 Is it Hym!? Could it possibly be the not-a-rapist Hym (who you are PERFECTLY AWARE OF BRETT!)? So when it happens to rich junkie rapist is AN ORWELLIAN FUCKING CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND A BLATANT VIOLATION OF THEIR DUE PROCESS and when it happens to me? What? We just fucking pretend it isn't happening and I go fuck myself? Right? WOW! Because it's not that you ACTUALLY CARE. It's DAMAGE CONTROL! Damage control to cover for the fact that IF THE ALLEGATIONS ARE TRUE.... YOU HAVE BEEN ROBBING AND IGNORING ME (THE GUY WHO CREATED YOUR YOUTUBE LORD AND SAVIOR) WHILE PROMOTING AND PLATFORMING A RAPIST FOR YEARS! HOOOOOOOOOLY SHIT GUYS! YOU! ARE! FUCKING! PATHETIC! Absolutely fucking pathetic! I'm at an actual loss for words! I don't know how to better articulate the contempt I feel for all of you right now so I'm just going to take a nap."
by Hym Iam September 21, 2023
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Is how you know that your competence game is just "It's not arbitrary. I deserve it."

Hym "How is not answering the question 'What is a woman?' any different than not answering the question 'Do you believe in God?' So, we grant both of you the moral right not answer questions selectively for your own preservation. But if where they go too far is celebrating it as a victory for equity and inclusion then how do they not go too far in celebrating you as a prophet? It's blatant hypocrisy. Where does it come from? Well, it comes from me being right. You are incapable of adhering to your own ethic and your ethic is entirely predicated on 'This is what OTHER people SHOULD do' thinking. But it isn't what you do. Do you believe people should be credited for their work? Well, you could say 'Well, you didn't do it.' and that is irrelevant. YOU act out YOUR ethic.
Why is your adherence to your own ethic dependant on the perceived ethic of those you are dealing with? That's just the platinum rule. And you could say 'Well, I'm only doing it to you' but no, you fail to act in accordance with your own ethic at your leisure. Therefore, you have no ethic outside of the platinum rule (which is not a proposition as much as it is an observation). And now you can say 'Well, I'm competent and have the moral authority to determine when my behavior is allowed to be incongruent with my ethical propositions.' but that would mean it's a conscious choice rather than the imperfect nature of man. You are exempting yourself from rules of your own creation. Which is just 'doing whatever you want.' 'I do what I want and other people should accept my propositions because the world would be better if it worked this way. With me doing what I want and others doing what I tell them.' And you've already established that you would enforce it if you had the power to do so because I'm giving you that power and that is what you're doing. Hypocrisy.
by Hym Iam August 1, 2022
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