Scoping is a online game term or leet speak, mainly used in First-Person Shooter games for killing someone with a rifle gun.

Scoping also is a sexual reference against someone. It's the new "Oi dude, CHECK that bitch out" (Replace check with Scope).
Use for when someone sees someone "attractive" in the distance and says sexist comments towards the person.
"Oi dude, ooh shit, scope that chick out down there!"
"Fuck yeah dude. oh shit, here she comes, don't say anything"
*Person walks past*

This is Scoping
by Chester224 December 24, 2008
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Any type of tube-shaped lenses for the purpose of magnifying vision. There are numerous types; sometimes binocs are called scopes.
"I use this term to refer to rifle-scopes really."
by Dave September 10, 2004
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a starcraft 2 noob, a player who is out of their depth in an online computer game.
'he is such a scope'
by Jeevesy August 29, 2011
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A brand of mouthwash often used by Native Americans for alcoholic beverages. May be substituted with Lysol Disinfectant Spray.
"Hey that native just drank a whole bottle of Scope"
by Angroplax May 3, 2005
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The act of pinching the tip of ones penis before ejaculation and then releasing, thus creating a powerful projectile of semen and targeted torward a femals eye, once landed, the man shouts "no-scope!"
Veater said he no-scoped Chelsea from 10 feet!
by The Big Ezzie January 11, 2011
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to be "eyein'".
when a predator seeks its prey.
often used to describe the staring done by an individual on a sexual prospect at a certain distance.
damn! did you scope the dash on that stife? well did ya?
by venusflytrap October 15, 2006
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to hip fire from a sniper rifle like in cod mw2 using some kind of trick. for example the g-shot or the double tap y.
i just no scoped that guy with my intervention sniper.
by tball76868 February 24, 2010
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