Miley Cirus

The eye sore of the world.. I really dont know whose worse, her or Justin Beiber, if they were to get married there would be mass genocide.
OMG NO!! MILEY CIRUS AND JB GOT MARRIED!!....... (2 minutes later population of Earth greatly drop to 2.. but it was for a good cause)
by Jenava2311 June 13, 2011
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Miley Cirus

The person behind the "Hannah Montana"-mask.
Has several nude pictures on the internet, lots of young fans, and some old stalkers.
A world wide hit indeed, go miley!
Person 1: "Dude I found those pics of Miley Cirus last night!"
Person 2: "Omfg sauce, could you upload em when we get home?"


younGgiRl-14: "I LOVE MILEY CIRUS <3333"
by raepizt May 4, 2009
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Miley Cirus

A Robot Hooker that thinks shes sexy but doesn't realize shes slowly making suicide a trend...
Just don't ever look at her wrecking ball video...
It will make you think that eating ass is a good thing!
dude Daniel killed himself!
Because he saw miley cirus!
Sounds legit...
by dildor defender of porn December 7, 2016
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Miley Cirus

A Robot Hooker that thinks shes sexy but doesn't realize shes slowly making suicide a trend...
dude Daniel killed himself!
Because he saw miley cirus!
Sounds legit...
by dildor defender of porn December 7, 2016
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miley cirus

someone who likes screaming while naked on a wrecking ball
i love to miley cirus at night
by cunt_smasher October 18, 2019
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The Miley Cirus Effect

this is when your sisters or little sisters are found dead because of excessive ass shaking/twerking
Dad: MY GIRLS!! what happened!?!

Brother: The Miley Cirus Effect dad
by Egraze November 25, 2014
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