1.A communists way of measuring
2.A threat to the U.S.A.
`Stalin:I love the metric system
Jesus:I hate it`
by Czar Choi July 11, 2008
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A unit of measure roughly equivalent to 7.8642 gallons that is consumed in one sitting.
by Manifesto Oregano July 9, 2009
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me-trik fuhk tuhn (Australian)
Noun, Adjective. Often used as hyperbole.

A non-standardized unit of measurement.
"Wow- that's a metric fucktonne of rain through most of coastal Queensland and ALL of NSW!" (Asher, K.)
by Dumpster.Diva January 27, 2013
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A type of tensor that can be used to make modifications to non- Euclidean spaces.
The metric tensor is used in Einstein’s field equation to account for non- zero space curvature.
by LiamG2250 April 1, 2021
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Any large amount. Often used to exaggerate amounts to convey a large amount of things.
I bought a metric asston of cheezits at the local bulk food warehouse.
by banana-phone March 9, 2010
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