what a female does in the bathroom immediately after having sex.
honey, do you need a towel? no, i have to go do some splooge maintenance.
by chuffykins May 31, 2010
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A girl being unavailable for traditional sexual activities due to menstruation.
I'm gonna hook up with Kate after the party tonight... I hope she isn't offline for scheduled maintenance.
by rideSpecialized June 10, 2009
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Someone who is easy to please, does not require constant pampering, attention or gifts or things done "their way or no way". One who is genuinely happy to enjoy the company of others. Easy-going, unselfish and usually a joy to be around. Usually male, as most women are high maintenance.
My friend from California came up to visit. He's low maintenance, so we just chilled, had a good time, and he didn't whine about my not having digital TV.
by Ashoka July 12, 2006
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sits in the back corner of the workshop and pretends to be busy on the phone. Generally, does Fuck all except in the 24 hours prior to his manager arriving on site. Often believed to be paid paid twice as they are worth.

Wife: what did you do at work today Honey?
Maintenance Super: Fucken Heaps, Get me a rum whilst I get the thought of Planner out of my head.
Maintenence Superintendant is a person in charge of Maintaining equipment in a large organisation
by Knuds March 31, 2011
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The use of chocolate to detoxify habitual users of heroin or opiate painkillers.
Typical dialog from someone on chocolate maintenance:

"OMG, I am so dopesick.. HAND OVER THAT CADBURY BAR!!"
by nocturnal June 25, 2006
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The act of visiting the bathroom with the intention to only urinate, but instead relieve a little poop as well as a means to prolong the time between your next bathroom visit.
I sat down on the toilet to take a piss on my lunch break, but I thought a maintenance poop would be a good idea since I have a meeting coming up.
by Lumbertrap August 12, 2015
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A person who has expensive taste (re. clothing, restaurants, etc.).
This person is never comfortable because he/she is constantly concerned about his/her appearance.
This person feels they are better than most people and usually judge others based on outward appearances.
I am not high maintenance
by John March 22, 2004
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