Someone releasing a fat shit in your mouth while you are asleep.
Guy:1 Holy shit dude someone Loafed in your mouth!
Guy:2 *Mouth full of shit gurgle squish noises*
by BigCoke January 26, 2020
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So this can either be your standard loaf of bread, whole wheat and healthy or white alike.

This can ALSO be to sit around and waste time and procrastinate on a couch. Y'know? (:
"Sonny boy," said grandpa. "Go down to the store and get a loaf of bread, will you?"

"Yeah we're just loafing around instead of doing homework"
by LOAVES_A_BREAD September 22, 2011
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A prank originating from Cincinnati, OH loafing is the act of taking a loaf of sliced bread and skewering it on the antenna of a strangers auto-mobile.
It's time that Fiat got a good loafing!
by Queen City Loafers LLC. September 28, 2013
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a state of ultimate laziness forcing you to waste the day away by doing all.
I'm so loafed today, I only left my couch twice, once to get a snack and twice to shit.
by minminns November 19, 2006
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The act of taking a shit on someone, or in someone's personal belongings such as: Hats, Shoes, Computer Case, Backpack, Stoma, etc.
by Howe Feltersnach October 7, 2015
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