Console kill. All half-life gamers know what this is. Typing `kill in game is a suicide move. To tell someone to `kill means kill yourself. This is only used by the most 1338 online gamers.
(CT)min :: dan: `kill buddy
min :: kimble dies.
by min.dan June 16, 2003
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to finish something mostly food or drink
Hey can i kill that sandwich?
by Jack September 28, 2003
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In comedy: To do well and to get lots of positive audience feedback.
I killed at the Comedy Store sunday!
by Nick Beasley June 23, 2004
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When someone takes something too far and just ruins the moment completely. We've all done it before, and there's always some jackass who yells out "KILLED IT" as soon as it happens.
Pete:I thought all the dinosaurs were extinct, but I'm looking right at a Fagodactyl.
Ryan:Yeah, well some homosaurus is staring me down right now.
Ryan:Killed it.
by Weird ry January 4, 2006
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Slang term that is heard commonly all over California, and is used in the smoking community to describe marijuana that is very physically dense and extremely potent.
Even a ten sack of that kill is enough to pass around and get you faded.
by T Hizzle April 9, 2005
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to kill a joke or not make a joke funny anymore
harrison killed the joke

"WOW harrison thats killed!"
by CheddarBob March 27, 2007
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When a person tries to make something funny, but they fail; a.k.a they are called an ozkill or Oz
WOW Ryan! That was such a kill that you should join us for the first annual ozkills on Friday.
by Coach0 May 13, 2015
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