It's what I dig, man. That's all.
I play it cool
And dig all jive
That's the reason
I stay alive.
-Langston Hughes
by Gavin Bauer January 10, 2007
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When a website or app fails to load properly
Jive is a phone application.

"This website is totally jiving me right now"
by Internet Explorerz May 5, 2019
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A 8 count dance that is danced on rockabilly music, early rhythm and blues and some 8 count southern country music. The first 4 counts is called "the call" and the 4 others "the move".

The calls are move that almost always the same. The 2 most used are the flat hand push and the liberty statue. It spins the girl and prepare her for the upcoming move.

For the other part, the move, do as you wish little hepcat!!
When the Rockabilly band is playing, you ask the girl "wanna Jive"?
by sheriff luke April 7, 2008
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When one screams like a goat into a woman's vagina.
Bertha: I am so close
Chris: starts jiving
Bertha: Cums
by Bertha Longbottom February 18, 2018
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A lesbian sex term meaning to jizz or cum on oneself.
Girl Number One: "Do you like it when i touch you there?"
Girl Number Two: "Uh-Huh, I just jived in my pants a little!"
by RidinOnTheTrainOfPain February 2, 2011
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A phrase that is used when you being honest or 100 with someone
On jives i didnt go to that party.
by BigDaddy😈 December 29, 2017
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a verb meaning to bust several moves back to back while listening to great music.
woman 1: oh snap, check out our girl!

woman 2: yeah, this is her song, she is straight jiving.
by kwilson January 12, 2009
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