A half-hearted laugh, used in many situations. In different scenarios it tends to mean different things.
Heh can be sensed as one of your close ambitious friends had done something and you SHOULD be scared.
Heh, can be sensed as sedutive in typical animes and manga's for those attracted to cold-hearted people. It can mean danger or he actual is allowing himself to show emotion to you.
Heh is also a term when you don't know what to say. Or if someone told a joke that is unfunny. It can also be used in awkward scenarios.
Friend 1: Why does your location say you're on a cliff?!
Friend 2: Heh..
Random girl: Oh just come on! I'm tired of you not giving any care to anything! You're just so.. so... so emotionless!
Mr. Cold: Heh.. cute.
Friend one: And then..! And then..! He threw up!!
Friend 2: Bahahahaha
Friend 3: Heh..
by DarkLogicFox March 27, 2022
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stands for “it isn’t a hickey it’s my necklace
Halia Beamer got asked if she had a hickey or bruise.
She said “heh”
by Tiktokroomnotreally May 4, 2020
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heh is a word you say when your bored,but the one true heher is KrispyTacoJacky the Furweeb#7092 on discord,BASICALLY USE IT AS A DEFENSE MOVE WHEN YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO SAY
person:Hi welcome:ME:heh:said person:what?:me still:HEH
by Krispy Taco June 11, 2019
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A word mainly used to convey confusion. Mostly used by the YouTube Streamer of Minecraft, Technoblade.
by ^v Hippity Hoppity v^ December 17, 2021
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Used by Alfonso, heartless angel 2, Kosamuji and Kosaburo, all of whom are the same person. Usually at the very beginning of a post in an internet forums to express small amusement gained from an above picture or comment. Smirk included.
Un/Intelligent poster: OH NOES!!!!!11111111111
Alfonso/Kosaburo: Heh. You suck.

Note- Poster's intelligence depends on whether the above statement was said in jest or as actual stupidity.
by Kosaburo July 16, 2004
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Mostly used on irc, it's pretty much used as if you'd say wtf but in a lighter way , it's even more phonetic than a real word.
<someone> i got fired today for farting loudly...
<someone_else> heh.
by Ulimetic June 1, 2005
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