a person (usually but not necessarily a woman) who is thoroughly disliked
He thought his music teacher was a cunt
by hateer888 November 25, 2009
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When a woman grinds her genitals on an object(usually long). This is never to be confused with masturbating because "Cunting it" involves thrust action whereas masturbating doesn't.
I walked in on my Mother Cunting it last night. It was a traumatic experience
by Rumo March 2, 2008
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Amongst other things can also be a derogatory term for a really hated person.
by flipmodefly June 12, 2009
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a bitch that just won't quit with the shit
revaRIOT is such a fucking cunt, who starts shit with someone they don't know?
by ZombiDeVine July 15, 2009
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When something is not working correctly
1)Gramps is cunting right now, we've been taking bong rips in his Jeep for hours and he still hasn't realized
2)dude, my printer is cunting right now
by Moscow Mark April 24, 2009
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In Australia (maybe UK/NZ too - not sure), cunt can be used to address friends or to jovially comment about their slyness. Cunt is also becoming more commonly used by woman in Australia too, but it's still not a great word for the older generation.
How you goin you old cunt?

You sneaky little cunt!
by peteyboy February 21, 2005
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While often derogatory, also descriptive of a female radiating strong sexual attractiveness and allure.
Guys whispered that my wife was a smokin' hot cunt.

That little cunt is an absolute cock stiffener.
by July41944 May 28, 2009
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