big bellied, long haired, untrimmed bearded, fat-so that works at a factory 1/2 the year, laid off the rest of the time. Spends his evenings eating dinner on a TV tray watching TV in the front room. His unemployed wife's 3 kids, with 3 different daddies, eating dinner with their hands in the kitchen. Leaving the dirty dishes to pile up in the sink until they run out, or until she has time to rinse them off. Has many rusty vehicles surrounding the house, but only one runs.
My ex-husband is a country bumpkin.
by zookeeper January 15, 2005
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The pungent odor of a smelly bumpkin on a hot day
"dude, when that guy walked by I totally got a whiff of some nasty bumpkin spice."
by b3nis April 24, 2018
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Affliction suffered by our country cousins. Caused by inhaling rough cider into the lungs during periods of comatose sleep after imbibing copious amounts of the beautiful liquid.
Oi can't fecking breathe today lad, rough stuff's given me roight bumpkins lung.
by Russell's birthday July 29, 2014
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A cowgirl bumpkin is where a girl rides a male while said male is shitting
Mandy gave me a cowgirl bumpkin night at the party
by Chody matussin December 10, 2021
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used when someone is being loud or annoying. that person needs to be hushed but in a more positive sense of manner. also this action can take place while visiting your local butt implant removal surgeon,
dan: hush bumpkin
by sussy flart December 12, 2021
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Bobby joe is such a lush bumpkin. I hope his cousin doesn't get to him first.
by rhdreams January 2, 2015
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