The act of using bread, which is unweighted, to get any goods for free using the self checkout service.
Yo Jamal, you breading today?
by Co-Founder of Bread Limited November 14, 2019
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Hashtag. Boom. Roasted. Eat. A. Dick.
Andrew: You're so dogwater at Pickleball!
Nick: Well at least I get bitches, #BREAD !!!!
Andrew: *Sad*
by AndyBoBandy98 October 7, 2022
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A newly formed religion inspired by Jebus Crust. The Mediums have translated his holy text onto slices of bread and documented it. The religion has been passed down for generations and has now resurfaced.
Person 1: Are you religious?
Person 2: Yes, actually. I believe in breaded bread.
Person 1: Wow. I have more respect for you now.
by Breaded Bread January 22, 2021
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Slang Term in da states for money or cash.
When it comes to gettin bread i got em keys to da bakery.
by Willy DaDon May 1, 2008
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Having a lot of money with disregard on how it was accumulated.

Sucessfull with earning money keeping it and falunting it all at the same time. Could be a hustler, or a smart person, or they could have worked for it.
"That nigga Kwan is breaded then a mofo!"

"Did you see that niggas watch, i think it was a jacob that shit was worth at least 20K, that nigga is breaded!!"

"WHOOOOOOWEYY you see them 24's right THURR on that ESCALADE?! That nigga drivin must be BREADED!!"
by j u lie July 17, 2006
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To go into any store with self checkout, taking any bakery item and gathering any other items in the store you may want. This is then followed up with going to the self checkout and choosing the bakery item, placing everything on the weights simultaneously. If this is successful , proceed with the checkout and enjoy how much money you saved.

(Disclaimer: This is not stealing, it is Breading.)
by Anonymous Breader November 18, 2019
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Often made of flour and water. Many eat it for breakfast and as an accompaning part of a meal. Often eaten with butter, and sometimes cheese on top.

Comes in both darker and lighter models.
Man, I love bread. It's so tasty! Unfortunately it's dry without butter on top, though.
by PlentyofLingon June 2, 2010
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