A good general purpose insult to have ready on hand anytime someone pisses you off.
by kam75xx November 28, 2021
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when someone does or says something so stupid and unbelievable that you just can't think of a better answer
Man: *buys 3 toilet paper*
Cashier: "Alright, that will be 45$"
Man: "Are you fucking serious?"
by ThunderTheFurry October 26, 2020
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Response to someone's inability to perform an action with competence. Usually stated in a disappointed tone.
John attempted to light his cigarette while it was in his mouth but it fell to the floor. Steve was quick to berate him with the words "You fucked up."
by Dboy123 April 14, 2008
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One of the best insults coming out of Gordon Ramsay’s mouth, one of the most destructive ways to end people’s lives and careers as they would end up having a heart attack or like a brain damage.
Patrick: hey fam, did you bring the assignment’s copies?
George: oh for fucks sake, I forgot it mate
Patrick: you fUcking dOughnUt, absolutely useless you are
by MsKeisha January 18, 2021
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Something used to describe how fucking retarded someone actually is.
Jimmy: I just found 2 diamonds and made a hoe with them!
Bob: You fucking retard.
by retardedfrik March 16, 2021
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What you might say in awe, disgust, or general surprise to someone claiming to have just done something stupid/not done something important. Usually shouted, often with emphasis on the "what".
"Sorry mate, there's rubbish all over the garden, it's because I forgot to tie up the bin bags"
"You fucking WHAT?"
by crobzub May 22, 2009
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