An airport in London. Possibly the most horrible airport outside of Iraq and a nasty place to spend the night.
Man, I have to fly to Gatwick airport and stay there for 12 hours. I hate travel.
by BobbyTay July 16, 2008
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a unique constellation in the space/time continuum that temporarily gives one a James Bond-like ability to pass through airport security and check-in procedures in record time.

"Ben got from the parking lot to the gate in about 15 minutes. Airport Magic."
"Ben got from the parking lot to the gate in about 15 minutes. Airport Magic."
by Vatu July 26, 2015
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An increased rate of movement paired with a confrontational manner and easily irritated
Airport Dave got mad at the waitress, so don’t push his buttons Anna.
by Cocosbro February 6, 2020
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The layer of sweat, grime, and overall scumminess that one is covered in after a long day of travel.
One: Hey man let's go to this party now.

Other: Give me 20 minutes. I need to shower quick because I am covered in a thick layer of airport film.
by SgtShadows19 May 23, 2010
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The act of a girl putting her hands around your head, slowly bringing you in. And having the longest, most epic kiss ever. It usually involves brushing her hair back behind her ear before engaging.
Cody- I want to Airport Kiss Maddy so bad right now. You don't even know.

Ryan- Then why don't you do it?

Cody- I think I will.
by Skkorm December 2, 2010
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1) The busiest airport in the world.
2) A place to go during a heatwave if you want to pass out.
1) "Dude, we're going to Heathrow!"
2) "Dude, I wanna die." "Dude, let's go to Heathrow."
by Soiled Undergarment August 11, 2003
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When two people in a relationship reunite in an airport after being apart for a long period of time because of a long-distance relationship or a long trip. The couple kiss and hug passionately drawing lots of attention none of which is a concern to them.
Babe, I've been looking forward to seeing you after so long, when you get off that plane it's gonna be something like airport sex. We'll make everyone sick and I won't even care!
by sosodefxxx598 November 27, 2006
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