A bitch and poseur, also known as Liz Prue. (Used to show hatred, envy)
oh my god, stop being a Tia!
by Kaeshi March 24, 2005
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Tia is a young bright chick.she loves piercings. She can be bright sometimes.she loves to ride Terence dick all the time. She loves rainbows.her favorite color is sperm
She a tia.
Did tia eat Terence butt.
by The mystert5 July 19, 2017
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Horse sucking hoe who gave some1s brother a wank
by Tia horse December 4, 2019
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a species that is blonde and dopey.Althought she has friends she is a very a strange girl who gets bullied a lot by a boy called jordan.The Tia species is usually called Shmuel.
tia?no its shmuel
by johnny llamaa May 5, 2011
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A girl who is usually a two faced backstabbing bitch who will wear two bras. As a nickname just call her 2 bra tia. She always looks like she's on some weird ass crack shit and will actually be shaped like a cereal box no cap. Yall know her back be harry af!
Guy: *Barf Noise* Omg look at that ugly ass girl!

Girl: Omg yeah! Omg that 2 bra tia *barf noise*

by No.Cap.Doe January 28, 2020
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Tia is a stupid bitch with a smelly pussy
Wow... that girls is such a tia! What a bitch!
by Awesome yeety December 17, 2019
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Tia is an acronyms for This Is Akward.
But it can be used in a lot of diffrent senarios.
1. That conversation was so Tia!

2. "Do these jeans make me look tia?"
by Tia 24 August 17, 2011
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